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Your Career Horoscope for November Says You’re Close to the Finish Line, so Don’t Stop Now

Your Career Horoscope for November Says You’re Close to the Finish Line, so Don’t Stop Now

A new month has arrived and your career horoscope for November 2022 is here to help you end this year on a high note! Although you may be held back by Mars retrograde’s backwards tailspin, it’s only forcing you to solve a lingering problem so that you may move forward without it standing in your way.

Things really begin to kick off when a full-moon-lunar-eclipse in Taurus takes place on November 8. This transit is sure to bring the types of shake-ups and shifts that are needed in order for you to to become more aligned with not only your career, but your destiny. Venus—planet of love and money—will then enter mutable fire sign Sagittarius on November 16, leading to a bold and deeply adventurous state of being. Allow a little passion and thrill-seeking to guide you through your professional decisions. November is calling you back to your soul’s authentic path!

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Regardless of what your visions and passions may be, you are deepening your dedication to them. Reserving time and energy for your passions, even if they’re just hobbies right now, is key! With Mercury—planet of communication—entering Sagittarius on November 17, the sun joining in Sagittarius on November 22, and a new moon in Sagittarius as well just one day later, we are headed toward our purpose with a fire in our bellies! Jupiter retrograde will also come to an end on November 23, stationing direct in mutable water sign Pisces, leaving us with windfalls of cash and opportunities that take us beyond our wildest dreams—that is, if we’re willing to dream in the first place!

Every zodiac sign can expect an interesting development to unfold in their career during November 2022. Check your horoscope for both your sun sign and rising sign in order to get full clarity on what this month has in store for your professional endeavors:

How the Planets Will Affect Your Career This Month

Click here to read the full article.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Aries, with so many planets transiting your ninth house of travel, philosophy, and higher education this month you could feel more open than ever to studying and making a career shift out of this new point of focus. Dive deeply into your hobbies and interests this month, it seems like one of them is meant to be the path that you follow going forward!

If you are currently struggling with focus, rely on other people and form new habits. You may have someone in your life that is acting like a major distraction, and it will be up to you to not only set new rules around your availability, but stick to them! You will thank yourself later on for these strong boundaries.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Taurus, you could be going through what feels like an ending in November, but is actually a life-changing new beginning. There will be moments of intense doubt in your path this month, but know that it is a necessary step in the process to feel confusion. After all, you are going in a different direction and facing opportunities that you’ve never experienced before!

You will benefit from carving your own path in November. That may mean sharing things in a new way (workshops, online group gatherings, teaching or leading others, content creation and more). You could be co-leading or finding a business partner as well as your eighth house will be heavily illuminated by the many Sagittarius transits this month. Shared finances and ventures will be in the forefront, so if you feel passionately about this new career step, share your dreams and visions with those closest to you in November. Who knows, they may just give you a little gift to help you get started.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Gemini, partnerships are abound for you in November with Venus (the planet of love and beauty) transiting your seventh house of partnerships and long-term commitments. You could be relying on someone you trust to start a new business venture, or invest in financial options that you hold (and benefit off of) for many years to come. Your door to wealth is wide open this month, and spirit is asking you to make intuitive decisions around what (and who) you are partnering up with.

If you’ve been struggling with your ‘relationship’ to work, the way you look at your career could also go through a major glow up in November. Remember, you are the creator of your own reality after all.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Cancer, November is filled with ways to improve your daily habits and career moves. You may feel a little bit overwhelmed by work (or lack thereof) at the moment, and this is the perfect time to readjust your days and weeks. If you are willing to call yourself out and cut the procrastination on that big project you’ve been leaving til tomorrow, you may just find that success was easier than you thought it would be. It just takes a little action, my crabs!

Although it may seem counterintuitive, bringing stability into your personal life will also help your professional life. Instead of putting other people’s problems ahead of your own life and habits, try to recalibrate in November and reprioritize yourself. That means: less phone time, less social events, and less therapizing other people! You need to get really serious this month about dedicating time to yourself and your craft in order to see the results you want.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Leo, with so many planets in your fifth house of creativity and pleasure in November this will be a month to truly “create” your dream life. You may find yourself on work trips, at work events, or even taking time off from work for personal pleasures. Wherever (and however) you find yourself indulging this month, know that this is in alignment with your ultimate success. Not every month can be one filled with hard-work and grinding yourself to the bone. There is a truly magical property to rest and joy that Western culture forgets about. Lead the way for your colleagues and remind everyone that you do your best work when you are truly happy.

If you’ve found yourself living in fear of money (or lack thereof) this month will be one to help you heal this inner wound. You will need to rely on the unknown and start to lean into the more whimsical side of life to see these blessings. Think about how good it feels to have someone else pick up your tab, buy you a drink, or host you on vacation – these moments will find their way to you if you put yourself in the right settings this month. Who knows, an even better work opportunity might even arise from these new conversations you’re having… all while having fun!

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Virgo, your fourth house is going to be all sorts of lit up in November by Venus, Mercury, the sun, and the new moon all transiting into fiery Sagittarius. You will benefit from cleaning, clearing, or changing your home environment to make sure that you are clear-headed enough to put your best foot forward. There is no saying how good life can get, you are the only one setting the limitations here. If you feel ready to expand, it’s time to remove the glass ceiling and go for gold this month. Try a deep cleaning, a closet clean out, and maybe peruse the market for new digs. There’s no harm in looking!

Once you understand how important it is to feel safe and secure in order to fully tap into your creativity, you will never forget this lesson again. You are truly destined for greatness, and if your basic needs are not being met, now is the time to shift into high gear and change that. You have to be able to fully rest and unfurl in order to bloom. After that: there’s no stopping you, Virgo!

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Libra, with Venus, Mercury, the sun, and the new moon all sitting in your third house this month, you will need to shift your focus onto your community in order to thrive. When we apply this to work, you need to ask yourself “are the people that I am working with truly appreciative of me and my work? Do I feel seen and supported in my workplace?”. If the answer is anything but a resounding “yes!”, it may be time for you to start looking for a new community to work with. Some of you may be having a total shift into a new industry. Even if this requires you to start at the bottom of the totem pole somewhere else, it’s better to be happy and supported in your work than to be miserably climbing an ill-fit ladder.

You are a special and passionate person, Libra. Make sure that the life you are building around you affirms this. Your personal relationships, your home, your workplace, your community will all play a part in whether or not you feel capable to grow with work. Make sure that the lifestyle that’s moving around you is conducive to your career growth this month. I see big progress coming up for you in finances and overall happiness in your career once you strengthen your personal connections. Remember, you want the right people around you to celebrate your milestones!

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Scorpio, with so many planets falling into your second house of finances, material possessions, income, and assets, November will be a month of huge financial milestones. You may be paying off debt, purchasing a home, or getting a raise or promotion that allows you to enjoy your work that much more. You are being guided into the lifestyle that you’ve always dreamt of for yourself, do not forget to feel the gratitude and pride in your ability to get yourself to this point.

For some of you, an unexpected opportunity is going to swiftly change your life for the better. It’s not going to take as long as it once did for you to gain the success and recognition you will have after November concludes. What a way to end your solar season, Scorpio!

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Sagittarius, with your first house of self and identity all sorts of illuminated with the sun, new moon, Mercury, and Venus all transiting in your sign this month, stay open to opportunities to share your thoughts and beauty on a bigger scale! For some of you, this means that your work is going to be recognized in bigger ways. From going viral, to getting a promotion, to key note speaking. There is no stopping you in November!

You will benefit from dressing the part, Sag. Don’t be afraid to show off your style and personality this month. Others will be drawn to you like flies to honey, and it’s your job to remind them that they have good taste once they come your way. You may have opportunities for interviews, podcast features, or to attend high-end events. Say “yes” to all of the attention, and allow the right eyes and ears to be on you! You deserve the spotlight, my centaurs!

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Capricorn, November will have you asking all of the existential questions when it comes to your career. What truly makes you feel happy and fulfilled when it comes to work? Is any part of what you’re doing for work right now dependent on other people’s approval? Are you feeling aligned with the work that you’re producing? Is what you time to or promote actually aligned with your values? This constant stream of questions will stem from so many planets transiting your twelfth house of subconscious thought and release. You may find yourself at a crossroads in the month of November, being asked to reconsider your path.

Now, that doesn’t mean that any big or sudden changes *have* to be made, but again, this is your life to live. If you’re not feeling fully fulfilled by your work, this will be a perfect time to dig deeper and ask yourself what would truly make you feel happy when it comes to work. As a cardinal earth sign, you know what you want and will stop at nothing to make it a reality Capricorn. Time to put that precious power to work!

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Aquarius, you will have many opportunities to network and get closer to your dream life than ever before in November. With your eleventh house of hopes and wishes being illuminated by the sun, new moon, Venus, and Mercury this month, now is the time for you to not only feel blessed but be blessed! The Universe is going to hand you several opportunities to build a community and strengthen your work friendships in order to get ahead. Don’t worry about using other people to get to the top, if you enter into conversations and dynamics with pure intentions, these connections will only prove to be mutually beneficial over time. Allow things to unfold naturally, and know that sometimes you will be the first one to be assisted in a long string of reciprocity.

If you are in the business of content creation, artistry, writing, or crafting this will be a great month for you to collaborate with other creatives. Luck is on your side, and it seems like big deals, collaborations, and residencies are on the horizon for you this month! Put yourself out there and embrace your natural lane as the pioneer, educator, and humanitarian that we all love and admire! It will *pay off* big time, Aquarius!

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Pisces, as November arrives, expect your career to become one of the most important and prosperous areas of your life. Instead of entering into work mode with resentment, imagine that you start to tap into the younger version of yourself that used to pray and dream to be where you are now. You are truly going to relish in all of the blessings that you have opened yourself up for this month. It seems like other people are catching on to how powerful you are, and they are going to want more of your special sauce. Don’t be surprised if you get offers of promotion, raises, deals, or partnerships that you once thought were out of your league. There is nothing out of reach for you, dear Pisces.

If you are willing to embrace all of the tenth house transits this month, you could even step into fame and positive publicity. Keep your mind and heart open to the highest of all visions. This month is not one to be messed around with! Start sharing your gifts and talents online, you never know who might stumble upon your page and ask to sweep you away into your dream life.

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