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Your December Career Horoscope Will Help You Start the Process of Manifesting Your Dream Life

Your December Career Horoscope Will Help You Start the Process of Manifesting Your Dream Life

Congrats! You’ve made it to the final month of the year, which is why it’s time to start planning for the next with your December 2022 career horoscope! You’re starting off the month with Neptune—planet of dreams and spirituality—stationing direct in the ethereal and romantic sign of Pisces on December 3. This will bring you back in touch with your imaginative center, deepening your connection to your daydreams and fantasies. If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

This comes just a few days before Mercury—our trusty planet of communication—enters reliable and hard-working Capricorn on December 6. Make no mistake—you’re being asked to shoot for the stars in terms of our career and finances this month. And with the full moon in Gemini happening on December 7, things are sure to get interesting when we consider networking, collaborating and schmoozing as a way to end 2022 on a high note. Call on your connections to help you get you ahead this month!

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Venus, our planet of money and beauty, will enter earthly Capricorn on December 9, joining forces with Mercury to really open doors of opportunity for promotions, raises and recognition that is well past due. And with Jupiter—planet of luck and windfalls—entering fiery Aries on December 20, you can rest assured that new beginnings in your work and finances are inevitable!

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

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The sun will enter Capricorn on December 21 and the new moon joins in shortly after on December 23, letting us end the year in style and prosperity. Although not many will want to hear it, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn starts on December 29 and will stay there until January 18 of 2023. Make sure that you get all of your ducks in a row before the new year hits, as this one is sure to have you reassessing your budget, business partnerships, and submission timelines. Remember: you and your well-being are always a top priority over your work.

Every zodiac sign can expect an interesting development to unfold in their career during December 2022. Check your horoscope for both your sun sign and rising sign in order to get full clarity on what this month has in store for your professional endeavors:

How the Planets Will Affect Your Career This Month

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The full moon in Gemini is going to fall in your third house of friendships and sharing, and when it takes place on December 7. Make sure to bask in the new opportunities and money that’s coming your way this month with the people you hold nearest and dearest to you. It can be lonely at the top, and the best way to remedy this feeling is by celebrating with others. There may even be opportunities that come up in outside conversations where your closest people are mentioning your name. Remember that you don’t always need to be begging, pleading, and chasing in order to succeed. Sometimes our best options come to us when we are standing still. Release the idea that you need to hustle and struggle in order to be successful.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

With Mercury, Venus, and the sun moving through fellow earth sign Capricorn throughout the month, your finances are going to be high-lighted. It’s a good idea to use December to budget and plan for the future within your career. Try not to make too many sudden shifts and changes this month. Allow yourself to enjoy the things that are working well for you, and try to give less time (and money) to the holes in the bottom of your boat. If you’ve been feeling like you’re struggling to keep up with your own lifestyle, this month would be a great time to try and do more with less. Get crafty and savvy this month and try to upgrade your workspace with fresh flowers, cleaning out the clutter, and lighting a candle. Sometimes it’s the simplest pleasures of life that can switch us into a creative mood and get our fire back. I see breakthrough ideas coming to you before 2022 closes, but some of those ideas will not actualize just yet. Be patient with your progress… it’s coming, Taurus!

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Gemini, it looks like December is going to really blow your socks off in your career! With the full moon in your sign on December 7, try to release any old patterns and habits with your work that have been holding you back. If you see yourself growing stagnant or resentful in terms of work, that will all shift this month, but it requires you to take responsibility for how you are adding to your own boiling point. It’s not fair to pass judgment on others and not be willing to look in the mirror. You will have the chance to lay these old patterns to rest with so many planets transiting your eighth house of endings and letting go. You may even be saying a final farewell to your job (or lack thereof). Your career trajectory is changing in a big way in December and you would do well to hold on to the people around you that you trust and feel safe with in order to weather this transition with grace. You’ve got this, Gemini, but the only way “out” is “through” this month.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

During most of the month, the planets will be sitting in your seventh house of partnerships and long-term contracts, so get ready to buckle in for the long haul. There has never been a better time for you to say “yes” to a new job, or a completely new career path than now. Think about the life that you want to be living 10 years from now, and make decisions now that will lead you there. If you’ve been contemplating on going back to school or training to claim a new title, new advancements will be made for you in December. But with the full moon in Gemini on December 7 landing in your twelfth house of solitude and self-sabotage, make sure that the things that you’re leaving behind are truly things that you’ve outgrown and not adding to a string of self-sabotaging behavioral patterns.  

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Leo, this month will be blessing you big time! With Jupiter in fellow fire sign Aries on December 20 you could have unexpected windfalls of cash or a hoard of opportunities knocking at your door before the month is over. You are truly magnetic right now, and although you see your own worth, others are going to be drawn to you like flies to honey in the realm of career and finances. You would do well to take advice from top leaders or influential friends this month, but be careful not to disregard your own opinion. Sometimes we hear from other people simply to test our discernment. So if you have old bosses, coworkers, or colleagues who are asking you to join in on their schemes, it may be best to leave those offers on the streets. With many Capricorn transits landing in your sixth house of routine, you would do best to pick a work structure and stick to it this month rather than throwing caution to the wind like some of your fellow

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Virgo, with so many planets in fellow earth sign Capricorn this month you are sure to see some sparks fly in your career. There may be some shifts around your home space that will allow you to get more work done than ever before. You are going to be booked and busy in the month of December and there will be opportunities that set you up for a lifetime. Your finances and reputation are both on the rise this month and with the full moon in mercurial Gemini, your connections are your best bet to getting to the top. Call upon the people you know and trust the most to advise you on next steps or any challenges that may arise in December. Remember, nothing is permanent, and you (and your career) would benefit from honoring the seasons and reasons that people are in your life.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

With Mercury, Venus, the sun and the new moon all passing through your fourth house of home and family this month you would do well to take a break from focusing so much on work and hustling and instead, go inward and connect with those closest to you—including yourself. Your career will benefit from you clearing your mind in the month of December and unplugging more than ever before. You may even feel called to taking a sabbatical or time off from work to recalibrate and start the new year on a higher note. There is nothing so important that your well-being can’t take priority over it. A sense of urgency at all times is just another habit to heal, my lovely Libra. If you’ve been feeling stagnant in terms of new, innovative, or creative ideation, that will all come flooding back to you during the Gemini full moon on December 7. Write down your dreams and desires during this time, as they will be sure to actualize in 2023 for you.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

There is going to be an urge to slack off in December and this is your sign to keep things moving by co-working or collaborating with others who are more motivated than you feel right now. Not to worry, you will still have time to rest and be at ease this month, but some of your brilliant ideas have time limits, Scorpio. Don’t sit too long on the creative projects that you have. The last thing you would want is to see someone else reaping the rewards that you so rightfully deserve just because they took the time to turn their words into actions. If you still feel like the right choice is to put a halt on your work, this may be a sign that the work you are involved with has served its purpose and that you are ready to pivot into something more aligned. Let the end of the year be intuitive, magical, and slightly irrational in order to start the new year on the right track.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You are being hit with a double whammy of wake up calls in the month of December. First, you are celebrating your new year in style with the sun still in your sign for the first three weeks. Don’t let anyone rain on your parade with work. This is truly your time to let go of prioritizing anyone else’s opinion of your work life more than your own. Tired of grinding? Tired of feeling replaceable? Tired of working paycheck to paycheck? Now is the time to listen to that inner voice and reevaluate your trajectory. If you make a solid game plan in December, come January you may find yourself in a complete 180, in the best way. With so many planets illuminating your second house of finances and material gain, don’t be surprised if it feels like opportunities are coming out of the woodwork that provide you with a life where you can work smarter, not harder to make ends meet.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You are the main character this month, Capricorn! Your solar season starts up on December 21, but even before that you will have Mercury (the planet of technology and communication) as well as Venus (the planet of beauty and money) both in your first house of self and public image. If you’ve been hesitant to share your ideas, projects, or achievements, now is not the time to give into subtle fears. Instead, fight against your inner critic, and realize that when you shine it helps the world become a brighter place. Everyone benefits from you leading a happy and fulfilling life. Let go of your expectations this month, as others may not be as excited to work in December. You, however, will have so many ideas and opportunities to take advantage of, I highly recommend honoring your urge to create this month. The things that you come up with now will change your life for the better going forward!

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Not only are you finding yourself at a major crossroads this month, you will also undoubtedly be helping others who are going through the same. Whether you work in a collaborative space, or have people in your personal life who seem to be going through similar work-life struggles, lean on the people who know you best to bring you back to your center point. There is no shame in asking for help in your pursuit of a better life. There could be opportunities to step into the spotlight this month, but with Mercury, Venus, the sun and moon all transiting through your twelfth house of solitude and self-sabotage, make sure that you are prepping before any interviews, tapings, shows, or events so that you are portraying as your best, authentic self. There are moments in your career this month that will live on much longer than you will. Make sure that you are proud to look back on this chapter of yourself and your work.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

iMaxTree; Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The month of December is one full of opportunities to break out of your shell and get back on track. If you’ve been taking a break from your normal work routine, things will finally settle into a solid swing again in December. You are going to be asked to step up to the plate in a big way, and spirit wants to make sure that you feel ready. It’s not so much about “doing more” as it is about feeling worthy of receiving more. Your confidence is going to be the major indicator for how this month pans out with both work and finances for you. If you feel like you’ve been struggling to get opportunities that feel like they meet or exceed your standards, that will all change in your favor before December closes. With the new moon in Capricorn on December 23 in your eleventh house of groups, goals, and aspirations, there is nothing you can’t achieve and you will see it all come to fruition for you around this time. Think bigger, attract better, Pisces!

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