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Weekly Horoscope For August 28, 2022, For Your Zodiac Sign

Weekly Horoscope For August 28, 2022, For Your Zodiac Sign

Weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Experiencing highs and lows is inevitable on your journey of self-discovery, so there’s no reason to feel discouraged. Every trial and tribulation is a part of your spiritual growth, and the universe is always working in your favor. Your Aug. 28 weekly horoscope could start off a bit grim, but the cosmos encourages you to stay open to the new pathways and opportunities that are being presented to you.

In addition to yesterday’s new moon in Virgo bringing new beginnings to themes surrounding your health and daily routines, the sun’s journey through this mutable earth sign will continue to highlight what needs to be improved and prioritized in this area of your life. However, with the sun in Virgo still at odds with Mars in Gemini — creating friction between what you’re trying to ground and materialize vs. the distractions within your immediate surroundings — getting your ducks in a row is easier said than done. Moreover, with freedom-loving Uranus officially retrograde in Taurus, you’re gaining clarity on the abrupt changes that have recently occurred, specifically those that may have triggered feelings of discomfort. Taurus is a fixed earth sign, which means it prefers to stick to one steady path. Uranus, on the other hand, brings unexpected change and breakthroughs. If things feel unbearable, remind yourself that you are doing the best you can.

In the meantime, Venus will directly oppose taskmaster Saturn on Aug. 28, which could trigger feelings of loneliness or gloom, specifically when it pertains to your sense of self and belonging in the world. Ground your thoughts and don’t jump to false conclusions. This is especially true when considering the moon’s opposition to hazy Neptune on the same day, as we’ll all be more prone to misunderstandings. The following day, upon the moon’s shift into Venus-ruled Libra and harmonizing with go-getter Mars in Gemini, it will be a wonderful day to connect and network. Conversations are flowing, and exchanges are equally as charming and productive. Keep things lighthearted, but with the moon linking up with Saturn the next day, know that these connections have the potential to solidify themselves in the long term.

The moon enters Scorpio on Aug. 31 followed by Mars’s sextile to Jupiter on Sept. 1, which could simultaneously bring clarity to energies surrounding your goals and dreams. Curious and optimistic, Mars’s connection to Jupiter retrograde could also be about revisiting a passion project you put aside or perhaps an idea you didn’t necessarily know how to execute. The clarity you seek awaits you, unless you have no choice but to stand up for yourself and use your words as your sword of truth. On Sept. 2, the moon will enter optimistic Sagittarius, and Mercury will oppose Jupiter. Ideas could seem larger than life itself. Sadly, the overflowing optimism will only last for so long, as the first-quarter moon in Sagittarius will oppose hot-headed Mars the following day. Beware of bickering with a short fuse.

If you’re wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for Aug. 28 through Sept. 3, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at your whole year, check out your 2022 horoscope as well.

Aries weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Aries (March 21–April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 28, 2022

Nothing is set in stone, Aries. The week of Aug. 28 kicks off on a rather disappointing note, but not if you can help it. When considering the moon’s perplexing ambiguous opposition to elusive Neptune, you may be more likely to overanalyze your emotions, which doesn’t allow you to see things clearly. Try to not be so hard on yourself, as Venus’s opposition to pragmatic Saturn could trigger feelings of insecurity and isolation, specifically when it pertains to matters of love, self-expression, and general recognition. Otherwise, if it’s a little bit of constructive criticism, try to keep an open mind. The energy begins to flow with ease in the upcoming days, as the moon will enter harmony-seeking Libra before making a sweet trine to your celestial ruler, Mars, on Aug. 29.

Curious and confident with your approach, this is an excellent transit for making amends — and negotiations in general. Mercury is in its preretrograde shadow phase in Libra, so many of you are likely to revisit pending conversations at this time and during the upcoming retrograde cycle. On Aug. 31, your red-hot ruler, Mars, will harmonize with Jupiter retrograde in your sign, bringing the heat to your third house of communication. Whether it’s an impromptu getaway you’ve been contemplating or a peer presenting you with an offer, this stimulating synergy can be enlightening and prosperous. Your one-on-one partnerships are bound to thrive in the next few days. Big ideas will come to you suddenly, so be sure to take notes.

Taurus weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Taurus (April 20–May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 28, 2022

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance may be your priority this week, Taurus. This is especially true when considering the pessimistic energy stemming from this week’s Venus–Saturn opposition on Aug. 28, given that Venus also happens to be your celestial ruler. However, with Venus glimmering through your fourth house of home, family, and emotions while Saturn retrogrades through your 10th house of authority, career, and reputation in the world, you could either feel a lack of fulfillment or acknowledgment in your career or like it’s hard to please the people around you, whether it’s a family or work superior.

On a brighter note, after the moon enters Libra on Aug. 29, it will harmonize with Mars in your stability-seeking second house of comfort and finances. This could bring clarity to matters surrounding your daily responsibilities, especially those of you looking to work smarter, and not harder. Then on Sept. 1, while transiting through your second house of monetization and self-worth, go-getter Mars will harmonize with Jupiter retrograde in your 12th house of closure and unconscious patterns. When was the last time you took some time off for yourself? You’re not only getting lucky but also feeling inspired and courageous in the process. Whether it’s a new financial strategy you’re implementing or an impromptu vacation you’re secretly planning, don’t be afraid to choose yourself.

Gemini weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Gemini (May 21–June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 28, 2022

If the people around you aren’t resonating with your long-term goals and dreams, don’t let this stop you from going your merry way, Gemini. No matter whether you’re choosing to go back to school or simply looking at the world from a different point of view, Venus’s opposition to taskmaster Saturn on Aug. 29 could potentially trigger feelings of disappointment, isolation, or a lack of fulfillment. Don’t let this derail you from your unique path. If anything, acknowledge what’s being brought to your attention, as it will likely guide you in the right direction. Nothing wrong with a little feedback, right?

The following day, the moon will enter charming Libra, bringing emphasis to your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression. The moon will harmonize with Mars in your sign that same day, which can be equally as inspiring as it is unapologetically flirtatious. Catching feelings? Maybe you’re brainstorming on a passion project or sharing your wisdom via social media. Conversations will flow, and romantic partnerships will thrive. Then, on Sept. 1, Mars will link up with lucky Jupiter in your 11th house of community affairs. This will not only increase the likelihood of you making beneficial contacts but also supercharge you with confidence and enthusiasm. Speaking of contacts, your energy will shift towards your significant others when the moon enters Sagittarius on Sept. 2 and will continue gaining momentum during the first-quarter lunar phase on Sept. 3. Steer away from petty debates and curiosities, as the moon will oppose Mars in your sign. You could unintentionally trigger someone important to you.

Cancer weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Cancer (June 21–July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 28, 2022

Don’t let uncertainties bring you down, Cancer. The week of Aug. 28 begins on a stranger note than usual, as the moon will sit in opposition to elusive Neptune, creating feelings of confusion. Venus will simultaneously sit across from taskmaster Saturn, creating tension between your self-confidence and sense of security vs. the foundation of your intimate unions. Maybe you’re in a partnership that isn’t necessarily on solid ground, and it’s starting to disappoint you. Be discerning with the conversations you’re having with your significant others right now, and keep an eye on the truth.

Upon the moon’s shift into Libra and your fourth house of emotional foundations on Aug. 29, the moon will harmonize with Mars in your 12th house of secrets and unconscious patterns. Go within and reflect on your relationship dynamics, as similar themes could be coming up for review at home. This could be with regards to a parent or authority figure, especially when considering Mars’s sextile to Jupiter retrograde on Aug. 31. Having empathy, mercy, and compassion can bring healing, but take this opportunity to speak your truth if needed. This will help you get the closure you seek. Others of you may be strategizing behind the scenes around a professional venture or long-term vision. Take your time. The first quarter moon in Sagittarius on Sept. 3 will bring expansion and opportunity to your day-to-day life, but make sure you’re tending to your mental and physical well-being in the process.

Leo weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 28, 2022

It takes two to tango, Leo. This is especially significant to consider at the start of the week when Venus makes its opposition to Saturn, as it will likely create tension between you and a significant other, whether it’s personally or professionally. With the planet of love glimmering through your sign, chances are you’re the one feeling unacknowledged or discouraged, but there’s also something liberating about ripping off the bandage. The truth isn’t always pretty, but it will set you free. It’s also important for you to stay grounded, as the moon will also be in opposition to Neptune via your intimate eighth house of mergers. It’s easy to lose sight of your values with boundless Neptune in the mix, so be discerning with your exchanges.

The same goes for the next couple of days, with the exception that these conversations will be a lot less triggering. For instance, upon the moon’s shift into Libra and your communication sector, Luna will harmonize with Mars via your 11th house of community affairs and individual freedom. This may trigger lots of buzz and perhaps even a bit of gossip. It may not be negative, but it will sure get your head spinning. You could gain a significant amount of clarity at this time, so harness the energy wisely. Before the week comes to a close, Mars will sextile Jupiter retrograde in your expansive ninth house of adventure, inspiring and motivating you to take a leap of faith. This could be something you’ve previously contemplated or an impromptu decision. Go for it.

Virgo weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 28, 2022

The bliss you seek may seem too good to be true, Virgo. The week of Aug. 28 is bound to start off on an ambiguous note as the moon will directly oppose elusive Neptune in your relationship sector, which could trigger confusion and misunderstandings. Your intuition is almost too loud, so pay attention. As if this weren’t enough, Venus will be at odds with pragmatic Saturn, making it seem as if following your heart was heavier than the weight of the world. On Aug. 29, upon the moon’s shift into Libra and your stability-seeking second house of values, the moon will harmonize with Mars in your 10th house of authority. This is the definition of making money moves, so don’t ask for a raincheck. Whether personally or professionally, this is an excellent transit for negotiations and social exchanges.

The moon will also form a harmonious trine to Saturn retrograde the following day, which will help you focus and strategize on next steps. It doesn’t hurt to take a closer look at your routine, especially those of you looking to create more discipline and structure. Fast forward to Sept. 1, when Mars connects with lucky Jupiter, and you will likely revisit an exciting project or romantic partnership with confidence and enthusiasm. You’re equally as passionate as you are mentally stimulating. Although, with your planetary ruler, Mercury, opposing Mars the next day, you’re also more likely to approach others or situations impulsively and curiously. Nothing wrong with taking the initiative as long as you’re being fair, balanced, and realistic.

Libra weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Libra (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 28, 2022

You’re wishing on a star this week, Libra. Granted, if things feel a bit stagnant at first, it’s all thanks to your celestial ruler, Venus, as it will be in opposition with taskmaster Saturn on Aug. 28. That being said, if you feel down, depressed, or disillusioned, don’t let this rain on your parade. If anything, this pragmatic synergy is urging you to remain balanced and humble, whether with regard to love or a professional venture. The moon will enter your sign the following day, bringing emphasis to your emotions while harmonizing with Mars. If you’re feeling indecisive about travel plans or a particular belief system, you will likely be more vocal about it during this time. On Aug. 31, the moon will enter Scorpio and your stability-seeking second house of value systems, bringing focus to energies surrounding your desires, money-making abilities, and sense of security.

The following day, however, go-getter Mars will link up with Jupiter retrograde in your relationship sector. This could potentially highlight the differences you share with a significant other, such as your unique outlook and future goals. A bookmarked conversation could also resurface, so harness this energy to gain the clarity you seek. On another note, Mercury is already in its preretrograde shadow phase while transiting through your sign, and the clever messenger planet will make an opposition to Jupiter in your relationship sector on Sept. 2. Steer away from probing and digging for the sake of getting answers; the same goes for those of you bickering with a significant other. Make peace with your differences, and move forward.

Scorpio weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 28, 2022

There’s a lot for you to reflect on and process this week, so take your time, Scorpio. For starters, before the moon wraps up in Virgo on Aug. 28, Luna will make a perplexing opposition to ambiguous Neptune in your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression. If you’re connecting with friends or coworkers, make sure you’re staying true to your authentic self, as you’re more likely to experience feelings of confusion or insecurity during this time. Keep in mind, Venus will also be in opposition to Saturn in your fourth house of innermost feelings while glimmering through your 10th house of career and reputation. You could feel burdened by work despite how gracefully you shine in the public eye. This somber energy, too, shall pass . . . so, try to hang in there.

The moon will be entering Libra and your sleepy 12th house of dreams the following day, which is all the more reason to kick back and get some shuteye. Although, given that the moon will simultaneously connect with Mars in your intimate eighth house of mergers, some of you may initiate a flirtatious connection but decide to keep things private for the time being. On Sept. 1, Mars will harmonize with Jupiter retrograde in your sixth house of daily rituals. This could add to your current list of to-dos or present you with some much-needed clarity on next steps. Long story short? Get your ducks in a row.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 28, 2022

Lean on your peers for the support and validation you seek, Sagittarius. Bad news first? Venus’s opposition to Neptune on Aug. 28 can be somewhat of a Debbie Downer moment, as it could trigger feelings of disappointment or disillusionment around your unique belief systems and your current environment. Maybe you don’t feel validated by your inner circle or find yourself feeling restricted when it comes to travel plans. Don’t let it bring you down. It gets better: the moon will enter Libra on Aug. 29 and form a harmonious trine to Mars in your relationship sector. This synergy is quaint and celebratory, especially for those of you headed to happy hour with friends, or perhaps DMing a crush on social media. It may, however, lead to an important conversation, especially once the moon connects with Saturn the following day.

Then, on Sept. 1, while sizzling through your relationship sector, Mars will harmonize with your celestial ruler, Jupiter, in your fifth house of love. Bow chicka wow wow. If you’re crushing on someone special or perhaps working on a passion project with a business partner, don’t be afraid to test your luck. In fact, this could be something you’re choosing to revisit — second time’s the charm? The first quarter moon in your sign on Sept. 3 will bring momentum and enthusiasm to your personal life, but the moon’s opposition to Mars could trigger some heated discussions in the process.

Capricorn weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 28, 2022

You’ve got a lot on your plate, so don’t forget to take a much-needed breather, Capricorn. The week of Aug. 28 begins on a strange note, as the moon will be in opposition to Neptune, and this could potentially cloud your judgment around a long-term goal or belief system. Though keeping an open mind is always encouraged, you’re more likely to focus on the obstacles in a given situation, as opposed to the potential success. Similarly, with Venus opposing your celestial ruler, Saturn, feelings of regret or disappointment are likely — but there’s no need to second-guess yourself. You’re doing the best you can, and that’s more than enough.

On Aug. 30, the moon will enter Libra and then harmonize with Mars; this will shake up your 10th house of reputation as well as your sixth house of daily rituals. Whether it’s a business partner or publicist for your personal brand, opportunities to partner, connect, and engage are being presented to you at this time. Then, Mars will form a sweet sextile to Jupiter retrograde, which brings inspiration, optimism, and expansion to themes surrounding your personal life as well as to your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Those of you needing an energy pick-me-up to get things done around the house, be sure to harness this dynamic synergy. Oh, and you’ll want to chill out towards the end of the week, when the moon enters Sagittarius and your sleepy 12th house of retreat. Go ahead, rest.

Aquarius weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 28, 2022

You’re gaining momentum to move forward this week, Aquarius. However, before we skip to the good part, let’s take a closer look at this week’s Venus–Saturn opposition, considering it will activate your first house of self and seventh house of one-on-one relationships. Some of you may experience feelings of restriction or limitation with a love interest or someone who will help you thrive financially. Is there an actual blockage, or are you standing in your own way? The moon will also be in opposition to Neptune in your second of house of money and self-esteem, which could make emotions and long-term plans seem unclear despite how organized you felt initially. Stay grounded, and protect your energy.

Luckily, the moon enters Libra the following day, which will simultaneously connect with Mars via your fifth house of love and self-expression. If you’re connecting with someone at a distance from you, this could bring forth the opportunity to spark a mentally stimulating conversation or consider a significant other’s point of view, which could eventually lead to a healthy compromise. Being honest with yourself and those around you is key. On Sept. 1, Mars will trine Jupiter retrograde via your second house of stability, which means you will not only have the confidence and courage to take action, but also feel as enthusiastic as ever.

Pisces weekly horoscope for week of August 28, 2022

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Aug. 28, 2022

Be crystal clear with your intentions, Pisces. The week of Aug. 28 begins on a restless note given the moon’s journey through methodical Virgo in your seventh house of significant others while simultaneously sitting in direct opposition to elusive Neptune in your sign. Stay in your lane. In addition to being quite the enigma, you’re also more likely to struggle setting boundaries under this transit. Maybe a love interest is hyper focused on something you don’t necessarily care for, or perhaps a business partner is critiquing you for no reason at all. Whether personally or professionally, you’re being encouraged to set the record straight.

Upon the moon’s shift into Libra and your intimate eighth house the following day, the moon will link up with Mars in your fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings. If something isn’t sitting right with you, this is a green light from the cosmos to speak your truth. Ironically enough, the moon will trine Saturn shortly after, highlighting the areas where you feel restricted or limited with regards to your personal space and inner sanctuary. How can you clear the air and keep the peace? On Sept. 1, while transiting through your fourth house of personal matters, Mars will harmonize with Jupiter retrograde in your stability-seeking second house of money and self-worth, which can be equally as motivating as it is overly optimistic. By all means, take your power back, but don’t lose your humility. Hold space for yourself and your significant other. It’s all a work in progress.

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