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Tips for Remotely Recruiting and On-Boarding

The last few months have been quite odd. It has resulted in many people with jobs in marketing and recruitment having to cope with remote working, having their colleagues furloughed, and even having to onboard new employees into a team that they may have not met yet.

Many businesses and clients would like to recruit new talent. However, they are hesitant to conduct the entire recruiting and onboarding processes remotely. These concerns are understandable. It is a major decision and many people are concerned about not hiring the person who is the proper cultural fit and having a hard time onboarding the newcomer remotely and helping them feel at ease. Many business leaders and also maintaining high morale within the team. However, with many people working from home and with remote-working being encouraged for the foreseeable future, it is something everyone needs to become accustomed to. Many of our clients have been able to successfully manage this process, and we are, of course, here to assist you.

Recruiting Remotely

To recruit remotely, you simply need to change your mindset and get creative. It is also important to maintain your recruitment process’s fundamentals.

  • Clearly define what you are looking for – create a comprehensive job description. (Our team can help you!)
  • Understand that in today’s environment, you will probably receive a large number of applications. We are here to help with that! Even if you cannot commit to an entire 360 recruitment process, discuss our Advertise and Filter service with us. We advertise your role and then screen the applications so that you just get the best suitable CVs for your shortlist.
  • Plan out your recruitment process in advance. Consider the various stages and then block out time for interviews in your schedule, review your process with your team, and provide feedback to the candidates and to us.
  • Prepare your questions. You can also prepare a task that you want candidates to complete. The task should be considered in terms of how easy it can be presented in a video call.


Reassurance and Communication

Even during the best times, it is always nerve-wracking to start a new job. However, for anyone who needs to begin a new job during these difficult circumstances, it can be extremely stressful. Talent managers and line managers need to open communication up early on and reassure the new employee about the process. Have an initial welcome talk and then follow up on their mobile number and with an email to let them know they can contact you any time they need to.

Have a Structured Welcome Programme

For everyone involved, having structure is very important, and for a new employee, it is critical to have a structured and clear welcome programme. Don’t overwhelm them with too much information and make sure to provide them with a clear programme during the first week. That can include things such as introducing their team members on a Zoom call to providing a presentation of the company’s culture and what will be included in their daily tasks.

Provide Them with Technology Assistance

Where would we all be without Zoom, Slack VPNs, laptops, and all of the other technologies and applications that are helping us currently? It’s time for the quiet IT guys to shine. Do whatever you possibly can to get your new employee set up with the technology that they need as soon as you can – whether that is providing them with guides to the software they are going to use or to send equipment via courier to make sure they can access the internal network.